
Matte Black Car Paint – Pros, Cons, Considerations and Photos

It is a very hard decision to define the car color that you want to make. So, you need to make different kinds of research to find out the best color and the best type of paint for your car. Also if you are curious about matte black car paint, you can find the most comprehensive way of consideration. Check the prıos and cons and decide if you want to paint your car this color. And also you can find some other attractive and different photographs that will give you much wider thinking.

Why Matte Black Car Paint?

In different Hollywood movies and from the different defense industry vehicles, some people fall in love with teh matte colors. Also if you combine this love with the black color, you will have the lobe of matte black car paint love. Lots of people are searching for this color on the internet.

For example, Batmobile and Stealth B-2 Bomber colors are this color.

Advantages of Matte Black Car Paint

  • Like everybody, the first advantage that comes to mind is looks. You will get a very good-looking car if you choose this color. Because this is not a usual paint application that you can find in traffic. And if you use this color, you will attract nearly all the attention both in traffic and on the pavement.
  • And also it will add a very cool vibe to your car. If your personality is upon coolness and mystery, you can choose this color.
  • You will probably save from the extra maintenance costs such as clay or polishing applications that the metallic colors generally have. Because these applications can deteriorate the matte easily.
  • Furthermore, in terms o hiding the micro-scratches, it is much better than the other kinds of applications. So, it is very easy to use if you have micro scratches or defects on the surfaces. Bot h because of the matte and black color.
  • In terms of photography, the matte appearance is much easier. Because it does not reflect light to a very big extent like the general metallic applications.
  • You can easily create contract designs with other colors such as brown or white with rims and interior design. So, combining with other colors is very easy.

So, as you see above, aesthetical considerations are very important. There are different kinds of pros to matte black car paints. If you want to have a very good and elegant vibe in your car, you can use this one.


Also, it is very important to consider the general disadvantages of this color. Before making a decision, it is very important to consider these general disadvantages.

  • The most important disadvantage is the price of the painting application. Because creating the matte color and design, there are special processes and chemicals are needed. You may pay around three times more money than a usual painting application.
  • Do not forget that the absorbance of the matte black car paint is very high if we compare it with the other glossy colors. Because of that sun damage can be a serious problem.
  • The important thing to consider about sun absorbance, the heat inside the car will increase. So, on hot days, it may harm the interior parts and equipment. And also you will probably open the air conditioner more because of this. So, not leaving your car right under the sun is a very important thing. This can be problematic in terms of finding a good parking lot for your car.
  • The resale value of the car can be decreased because of the matte applications. So, it will be very important to consider the situation in terms of this aspect.
  • Creating an even finish is very hard for the matte color. So, you need to be sure that you are receiving service from a good painter. This means it is hard to find a good expert on that thing.
  • With the matte colors, you can not use normal traditional washing systems such as automatic washing applicationsç This may harm the matte appearance. So, you need to apply special cleaning applications. And think about that you will pay an extra $20 for each cleaning.

These are the general disadvantages that you need to consider about the black matte paint. Maybe because of these disadvantages, people refrain to apply this color to their cars.

What are the Prices?

It can be very hard to make the price estimated for car painting applications. But you need to know that painting a car with matte color has much more price than the usual applications. This means you will pay maybe two or three-fold the price of that application.

There are also two important parameters that we need to consider. The first one is the brand and model of the car. If you have a high-end car such as a sports car, the painting prices will not be the same as the ordinary passenger cars. Because they need to rip off the parts and equipment of the valuable cars which are more sensitive and high-risk jobs. The prices will increase with the increasing value of the car.

Another important thing to consider is, the size of the car is very important. With the increasing size, the price increases.

With all these considerations the price of painting a car with black matte paint will be somewhere between $1500-$7500. It is a very good idea to take different offers from different painters.

How to Clean Matte Black Car Paint?

As we stated above, you should not use traditional washing methods to wash your matte-painted car. Such as dish soap, ordinary soap, and automatic washing machines are the things that you need to refrain from in general.

But there are special matte black car finish solutions available in the market. And there are important instructions available on these products that you can use without any problem. This will provide the ideal cleaning for your matte-painted car.

Other Options to Consider Rather Than Black Matte Car Paint

Also, there are different kinds of other options that you can consider for the black matte car paint. These options are very useful options that you can choose if you do not love the disadvantage that we stated above.

  • Solid colors: You can choose a solid black paint for your car. We know it will be a very straight color and it will not give the vibe that you are looking for. But you will not have the general problems that we state above with the general black matte paints.
  • Pearl color: Actually, pearl painting applications are also high-end applications. You will pay the same amount of money if you decide to do it. But the shining color will eliminate the general disadvantages that matte color brings to you.
  • Metallic colors: Metallic colors and paints are very very common. Upon solid applications, they have a very shining effect on the car. And in general, you will pay lower amounts of money for this painting. You will have a much more attractive appearance in general.

But we know that you will not generally accept one of these instead of the matte color that you are looking for.

Matte Black Car Paint Photos

A Range Rover with matte black car paint. Look at the vibe of that car… Do you even take a look at the normal Range Rovers that go along roads and streets? But if you see one of these cars with a matte black finish as you see, it will probably take your attention to itself…

Nowadays, warping the Tesla car cars with black matte finish becomes very useful and attractive to people. And there are different kinds of communities of Tesla and electric vehicles. If you want to stand out in these communities, you can warp your Tesla car like this one.

We stated that the ability of the matte black color to hide dirt is very good. And if you use this color on your off-road vehicles, you will probably not have any kinds of problems with the dirt. Check this off-road Jeep. It is very attractive.

What do you think that wrapping your Lamborghini with matte black car paint? It will be very attractive as you see in the photo… But some people are saying that it resembles a cockroach…

This one is one of our favorite matte color applications… The combination o the metallic black color and teg matte black color is very good as you see in the picture. It makes this Maserati one level upper.

Even on an old vehicle as you see above, a cabrio Mercedes, the wrap looks so cool.


So, we are all sure that matte black car paint is one o the most attractive selections for people in general. It is very attractive and very different. But there are important considerations that you need to make about these applications in general.

Do not forget to leave your comments and questions below about this topic. Your precious feedbacks are very important to us!

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How much does it cost to paint a car matte black?

It is very hard to answer. Because there are different kinds of parameters available. The fişrst parameter is teh brand and model of yoru car. Because with the increasing price of your car, the total handicrafts and the sensitivity will increase. The experts will rip off the different parts to paint them. So, dealing with a Lamborghini will require more attention and a car. And also the size of the car is very important. But with all these considerations, the general price range is between $2000-$6500.

Is matte black good for a car?

In terms of appearance, it is one of the best colors and types of paint combinations that you can find. But there are different kinds of things that you need to consider about these applications. For example, painting a car with matte colors will decrease the resale value.

Is matte black paint hard to maintain?

In general, it is not. You do not ned to use clay and you should not also. But you need to use special chemicals to clean the matte cars.

Are matte black cars expensive?

The cars may be not expensive. But painting a carp to that color is an expensive thing.

Why do people like matte black?

Most people like the matte black because of the batmobile and B2 stealth aircraft. It creates a very good mysterious vibe that attracts people.

Uğur Uygun

Hello everyone, I am Uğur. I am a mechanical engineer who has experience in different R&D departments of HVAC companies. With my best friend, I decided to build this website to share out knowledge and experience. And also, I am interested in automotive. So, I am writing about automotive and automotive-related articles here. Sharing my knowledge and experiences on these topics is a very big pleasure for me. I am willing to answer all of the questions people have about these topics.

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