Jack Extension – Buying Guide with Different Products
Jack extension systems or floor jacks are very useful and important part of teh garages and workshops. We are using these systems to lift the car from ground to interfere to the systems at the bottom side of teh car or wheels. They have a very basic hydraulic mechanism that you are pumping hydraulic fluid each time you push the rod. And this fluid make the pad levitate with a very high force.
Here youc an find different kinds of jack extension products. Check their general features and compare them with other systems.
Different Jack Extension Systems
We try to give all the most common jack extension products and their general features to make it possible to compare to each other. And also, you can find a summary selection guide to make a very good selection around them.
Arcan Jack with Ratcheting Design

This one is one of the most common jack extension that you can buy. There are different people are buying this one and leaving lots of positive reviews. Lets check the general features of them;
- It is very useful for the low clearance vhicles.
- The dual pump application make it very useful for different kinds of applications.
- Also the universail joint release mechanism provides a precise control of the jack.
- Steel material make it possible to use in heavy duty applications.
- 2 tons of weight loading capacity.
Aain Floor Jack Extension System

Also, this is another 2 tons of jack extension application that you can use for cars.
- The lifting range is 5-1/8″ to 13″ make it possible to use in different kinds of applications.
- Alloy steel materiak make it possible to use in heavy duty applications.
- There is a quick start technoılogy that provides 3 times more lifting than the standad applications for safety in teh first stroke.
- Also the 360 degrees of sviwel saddle make it possible to rotate in different directions without any problem.
- Also from the same seller, you can find the 3 ton capacity jack.
BIG RED T83006 Torin Hydraulic Trolley

This one has 3 tons of total capacity that you can use even heavy duty applications such as pick ups.
- The lifting range is 5-7/8″ to 20-7/8″ that provides very comfotable working. You can easily operate below the cars without any problem. This will be very useful for SUVs and truckls.
- Large steel casters provides very good maneuvaribility for this system.
- 24.5 inch handle make it very useful and easy to use without any problem.
- It has a single piston system provides lower velocity of lifting.
VEVOR Floor Jack Extension

Also, 1.5 ton of capacity jacks are available. This one is a jhack that you can use for lifting middle sizes and weighted vehicles without any problem.
- Dual pistons provides much more quicker lifting.
- 3-3/20″-14-10/27″ of lifting range.
- Aluminum and steel construction make it lightweihg tand durable structjnes.
TCE TCET825051 Torin Hydraulic Lifter

This is a 2.5 tons of total liftin capacity jack extension.
- Has a single piston lifting.
- 8.5 cm to 38 cm hydraukic lifting range.
- Equipped with large casters make it possible to apply to different systems.
Selection Guide for Jack Extensions
There are very important considerations and parameters while you are selecting your hydraukilc jacks.
- Weigth capacity: As you understand that maybe the most important point that we need to consider about them is the weigth carrying capacity. There are different products that have 1ton to 3 tons of weight carrying. You need to select the correct one for your application. In general, 1 ton will be sufficient for the passenger cars. But if you are dealing with trucks, SUVs, consider the higher weights.
- Lifting range: Check the lifting range is enough for your applications. The lowest level of lifting is the possibş,ty tha tyou can atatch the pad of your hydraulic lifter. And be surethat tha maximum lifting is useful for the SUVs and trucks if you are using for these applications.
- Number of pistons: There are 1 or 2 piston designs. 2 pişston designs make it possible to lift 2 times faster. If time is important for you, you can consider the 2 piston designs.
Last Words
These are the general points and parameters that we can consider about the lifters. If you have additional comments and questions about these systems, please leave them below.
And also, you can find other kinds of useful posts about the car maintenance in fmechanic.com!