
Glad Hand Locks – Complete Guide

In the trailer and other tractor applications, the use of glad hand locks is very important because of security reasons. Here we will give all the necessary information about these parts. And you will learn all the important points about these systems.

What are the Glad Hand Locks?

Glad hand locks are the systems that we can secure the air hose connections between the trailers and the tractors. These air hose connections are very important for air brake systems. Air brake systems are pneumatic systems in that the driver controls the air pressure.

But there are open connections between the air hoses and the air brake system on the trailer. This means a person can interfere and disassemble the hoses. And this is a very big problem in terms of security.

So, we are using glad hand locks to prevent this unauthorized tampering with the air hose connections between the trailer and the tractor. So, it is very important to use them for different security reasons.

How to Use Glad Hand Locks?

The use of the glad hand locks is very simple.

First of all, you need to find the glad hand connections that are connecting the trailer and the tractor air hoses. Two pieces of glad hands connect the air hose to them. And they are the systems that we need to attach the glad hand locks.

Before the attachment, you need to open the glad hand lock by pushing the release button. Or if the lock type is keyed, you need to use a key to open the glad hand lock.

After that, you need to position the lock by adjusting the shackle that faces towards the clag hand lock handle. So, it is very easy to connect the different connections.

There is an opening at the glad handle lock. You need to insert the shackle of the lock through this hole and you need to be sure that someone can not take or move the connections. And close the shackle through this hole.

You need to attach these parts on all the glad hands that both the trailer and the tractor system have.

Glad hand locks.
Image Source: Kirk Key Interlock Company.

Different Types of Glad Hand Locks

There are different types of glad hand locks that are available. You need to select the correct one according to the security level that you need to have.

  • Cable locks: For old gland hand connection systems, cable connections are generally very common. There is a cable lock system that you can easily insert through the hole. So, the attachment of cable locks is very common in general.
  • Keyed locks: In modern vehicles, the use of keyed locks is very common Keyed locks provide the highest level of security for the air hose connections. You need to use a special key to open the systems. And they provide very good security to prevent tampering. But the greatest disadvantage is, you may lose the key or leave the key somewhere. And if you immediately open the system, you need to have the key.
  • Push-button locks: If the required security level is low for the system that you need to attach the glad hand locks, you can use the push-button type. There is a button rather than a key that you can easily detach by pushing the button. But do not forget that the level of security is very important.
  • Combination locks: They are the locks that there are letters or numbers. You need to adjust the letter or number if you want to open these combination locks. So, you need to enter the required letter combination to open them. The security level that they provide is between keyed locks and push-button locks.

As you understand that different systems provide different kinds of security levels. You need to know which kind of system you need to use for these applications.


In general, if we take a look at the general prices in the market, we will see that the prices of the keyed and combination types are more expensive than the cable and push button applications. Because they provide a higher level of security than the other ones. And also, high-quality material is generally used.

Also, the prices generally change between $10-50 according to the quality of ad types. But you need to check the market in a detailed way to choose the best one for your application.

Other Important Things to Consider about Glad Hand Locks

It will be very useful to consider these points by the drivers;

  • You need to be sure abotu that the glad hand locks are working well. Because it is a very important security part of the vehicle that you are driving. If there is any damage, you need to change it with a new one.
  • If you are a driver, you need to know how to use the glad hand locks properly. And be sure that you secured the air hose systems.
  • Before operating the vehicle, you need to be sure that the glad hand locks are properly installed and have no problem.
  • You need to select the proper glad hand lock system for your application.


As you see above, the use of the glad hand locks in a convenient way is very important. While you are using them, there are important points to remember about them. And also there are different kinds and types of them that you need to select the correct one for your application.

So you get the most detailed information that you can find about these parts.

If you have any problems or questions about these applications, please leave them below!

Uğur Uygun

Hello everyone, I am Uğur. I am a mechanical engineer who has experience in different R&D departments of HVAC companies. With my best friend, I decided to build this website to share out knowledge and experience. And also, I am interested in automotive. So, I am writing about automotive and automotive-related articles here. Sharing my knowledge and experiences on these topics is a very big pleasure for me. I am willing to answer all of the questions people have about these topics.

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