Fire Hose Roller Mechanisms – Different Types
Fire hoses are very important part of our society. We are ıusing in nearly all the fire accients. And we are using different fire hose roller mechanisms to make think clean. There are different types and mechanisms are available to use. Here, we will check the different types of them that they are available in the market.
Different Fire Hose Roller Types
These are the different types of them that you can select he best one for your different applications. They are vry easy to use and you can compare then eith each other to select the best one.
WIND-X® Large Fire Hose Roller

This is the first type of fire hose roller mechanism that you can use fo rthe portable applicationsç It has very basic mechanism that youc an easily roll teh whole fire hose in seconds. You just need to attah the cordless drill machine to the tip. And once ypu strat to rol with it, it will easliy come to the reel.
You just need to select a powerful drill for this thing. For example, 40V Ryobi drills can be very good for this applicaiton.
They comes with plastic mat with center bearings. So, they are very easy to use in general.
The total price of this system is $193 that you can find from their oroiginal website.
Darley Hose Roller Mechanism

This is an also very useful hose roller mechanism that you can use fo rthe fire and other water hoses. The system provides very good system to remove the water and air that is stuck inside the hose. So, it will be very easy to for you to rolling the fire hose wihout any problem.
With the air and water inside, the rolling the hoses become very hard. So, you need to remove the air and water make it more compatilbe. The two cylinder mechanism will make is very easy to reamove the air isinde the hose.
EccoTarp Electric Hose Roller Mechanisms

In professional applications, they are also very common. If youa re looking for a profesional fire hose roller application, this can be very useful for you.
The powerful electric batter and electric motor makes it very easy to roll the unwound fire hoses to the reel easily. You do mnot need to pay lots of labor to reel the unwound hoses.
Also, only with one charge, you can wound 15000 feet long hose which means it is very useful. Also with theis wheel system, you can eaisly carry the hose system with you. You can adjust the speed of winding according to the different situations.
Also, it has a reverse function that you can easily unwound the system without giving big attention. And the system drains the water inside the hose which make is very heavy to carry. The workign voltage is 36V which will be very useful for differnt situation.
Manual Hose Rolling Mechanisms

Also, manual rolling mechanisms are very good for different applicationsç. If you are looking for a fire hose roller for the back of your pick up and tractors, you can consider the manual systems.
They are very basic. You just need to roll the mechanism with an arm to rol the fire hose. They are very useful in teh agricultural applications. While you are irrigate the plantations, you are probably watering the plants with your system.
Also you can find standard water hole hand crancks and rollers available in According to your needs, you can select the best one.
Last Words
So, they are very common systems that are available in different fieds; fire safety, agriculture and so on. If you have additional questions about the fire hose roller systems, please leave them below.
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