Bridge Clamp – Types and Uses
Clamp systems are very useful for fixing different equipment in mechanical applications. We are using the to fix the workpieces and make different adjustments to them. So, the use of bridge clamp systems is very useful in different situations. Here, we will take a look at the bridge clamp applications, their types, and prices.
What is Bridge Clamp?
A bridge clamp is a type of mechanical fixing equipment that we are using in woodworking and metalworking applications. They are very common for clampşng the workpieces and applying hand tools and other power tools to them. So, if you have a workshop where you are dealing with different parts, you need to have them.
There are two different constructions of the bridge clamp applications;
- C-Clamp: This is the first and most common application that we are using in clamping heavy-duty parts and applications to the benches. There is a cast iron or steel frame and there is a bolt that is attached to that frame. Once your turn the screw, the clearance of the clamp closes to hold the parts.
- Worm Drive: This type is the other type of worm drive. They are generally circular. And the circular metal strip gets narrow with the action of the screw. Once you rotate the screw, the circle gets narrow. While clamping the circular systems, ducts, tubes, and cables, they are very useful.
Important Features of Bridge Clamp Applications

While you are selecting bridge clamp applications, these are the points that you need to consider about them. So, it will be much easier to select a proper one for your mechanical fixing applications.
- Opening: According to the maximum thickness of the workpieces that you will fix with the bridge clamp, you need to consider the size of the maximum opening of the clamp. You can find different bridge clamp applications that have openings less than an inch and higher than the 10″.
- Type of Handle: In general, you can find clamp applications with T handles and square handles. You need to use an extra wrench or another hand tool to use the square handle. And you can clamp the parts with your hand with the T handle.
- Reach: Reach is also a very important point about bridge clamp applications. It is important that which point you want to clamp the workpieces that you have. The limit will be the reach length. The higher the reach, the more inner sections of the workpiece that you will clamp. If you will use the clamps for bigger parts, you can consider the bigger reaches.
- Holding Capacity: The holding capacity of a bridge clamp means the capacity of maximum force and load that it can carry. While you are applying the shaping processes on clamped parts, you need to be sure about the forces that are acting on the bridge clamps must not exceed the maximum level.
- Spiral Direction: You can choose between the right-hand and left-hand rotation directions for the clamp applications.
Materials of the Bridge Clamp Systems
There are different kinds of materials are available for bridge clamp applications in general. They are very important for force applications.
- Cast Iron: Cast iron material is one of the best materials for structural clamping applications. They are very high in compressive strength which is generally required for the bridge clamp mechanisms. And the professional heavy-duty bridge clamps are made from cast iron material.
- Steel: Steel is lower in durability and strength if we compare it with cast iron. But the ductility of steel is higher than the of cast iron. So, they are also a very important material for the clamping applications for the worm spiral clamps.
- Aluminum-Bronze: They are the lightest materials that are lower in strength if we compare them with the other ones. For lighter applications such as woodworking, you can consider this material.
Non-Sparking C-Clamps

Non-sparking bridge clamp systems are also used in different applications. If the place that you are working is in the OSHA specification, the non-sparking equipment is very important. Also, you can find non-sparking c-clamp applications from different sellers.
For example, if there are flammable chemicals, gunpowders, and other flammable stuff, the OSHA states that you need to use non-sparking hand tool applications because of the safety.
These are the general statements and points about the bridge clamp applications. There are different sellers are available for these items and types. You can easily select a proper one for your applications.
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